The Real American Terrorist

From our friend Joshua of the Patriot’s Lament!

“This man is a fool.

And a traitor. If you have been keeping up with this blog, you will notice his use of the term “Law of War” and you know what that term actually means. You will also hear him speak of the “Quirin Precedent”, just like we pointed out in a previous blog, and you know he is a lying snake. You also see him declare the American homeland the battlefield. It certainly is.

If you didn’t puke all your lunch up after watching that one, this should finish it off. Take note at minute 3.

And one more.
In this one you get to hear these traitors say they actually don’t think the bill goes far enough. So you can guarantee yourself that this is just the beginning.

You folks in S. Carolina, what is going on there? Can’t you kick this guy out and at least vote in a dog or a rat or a snake or anything else that’s not so repugnant?”

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